Derksen, Curt

Derksen, Curt, REALTOR® Personal Real Estate Corporation

Speaks: English





In 2003 I started dating the love of my life, Michelle. In 2008 this beautiful woman became my bride. How is that for an indication of my ability to negotiate??? If you know her you know just how true that statement is.

In 2011 we expanded our family with the arrival of our son Cohen then, in 2013 we welcomed our first daughter Tylin into the world and in 2015 our family grew again with the arrival of our youngest daughter Nora. Wow what a world wind. But we have grown enough in number now… now everyone is just growing up.

For me, Real Estate first started as a tool which we utilized to move our family toward our goals. I fell in love with the process and it helped me grow so I decided to dive in head first and become a Licensed Realtor. I love what I do. I view it as my platform to connect with and serve people. I believe in Real Estate and I have personally benefited from the power of home owning Real Estate in Canada. Today we are actively growing a Real Estate portfolio while at the same time serving, aiding, and guiding others through the process.

I don’t believe in work life balance and I don’t believe in the separation of ‘Church and State’ (when it comes to work and life). Too often our society puts pressure on us to be someone we are not, especially at work. In my opinion this causes us to lose sight of our authentic voice. My goal is to be who I am whether I am wearing my ‘husband and father hat’ or my ‘realtor and investor hat’. That being said, there is a time and a place to draw a line in the sand and create boundaries to protect our time. I am sure you can imagine, and as all of my colleagues can attest to, this is easier said than done in my business. This is one of the biggest challenges for me as a family first man, it’s a work in progress, but it’s getting better.

I could blabber on and on but text on a page can be boring…Want to grab a coffee? The business of Real Estate is all about connecting and I think of myself as a connector in the community. Whether you want to buy or sell right now, or you want to learn about investing, or you need a contact for a reliable tradesperson, please feel free to reach out. I’d love to hear from you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Derksen, Curt's Active Listings